Paul Van Hoeydonck, working with the Callewaert Vanlangendonck Gallery in Antwerp, Belgium and the Breckner Gallery in Düsseldorf, Germany, has recreated his 1969 concept for a celebration of humanity rising into space — a small aluminum figure floating inside a piece of tinted blue acrylic. With a limited run of 1971 signed and numbered pieces, the artwork marks the 50th anniversary of his idea, which, modified to meet NASA’s requirements, became a memorial to the explorers who had given their lives in the pursuit of space exploration.
Now, almost 50 years later, Van Hoeydonck is offering his original “Man on the Moon” concept in recognition of the history behind the “Fallen Astronaut”. The limited edition “Man in Space”, which floats in a 5.9-inch-tall (15-centimeter) blue acrylic block, is available for 890 euros (about $975 US).

Man in Space, 1971/2018
Aluminum in blue acrylic glass
Format: 15 x 6 x 6 cm
Edition: 1971 copies
Subscription price: 890 EUR